I got into work this morning and was talking with my coworkers and they said it looks like I've dropped a bit. I didn't notice if I could breathe any better or if I had to pee more often, but that's good. Means I'm that much closer. Yay! I had a dream the other night that the next time I went in to my midiwife, this thursday, that she told me I was already dialated to a 6 and that I needed to go into the hospital now. Woah! That would be awesome. They'd have to postpone or just cancel my shower though scheduled for saturday. Oh well. A baby is much better than a shower :)
Can't wait to meet your little baby! Keep us posted :).
Okay this is where I get a little weird. Unless you are having regular contractions DO NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL! Because if you are not then they will put you on pitocin which from what I hear will make your labor terrible. Just keep on trusting your body, it really does know what to do. Okay I am off of my soap box! I hope you have a fabulous day!
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