Thursday, December 9, 2010

My apologies

I just want to apologize for my crappy remix and lack of creativity through this whole thing. Should have chosen stronger items. But should probably own those items too. Oh well. Next time around. I've also had a lot going on in my life and not a lot of time to focus. Just found out that my car needs about $1200 in repairs. Like I mentioned before, just when it seems like you're finally getting things figured out and getting on top of stuff, things really go wrong. I mean, it's not really that bad. Just financially. It's no fun. We're all in good health, we have a few christmas presents, we always have enough food and Derek is finally finished with his finals! I get a whole 3 weeks!

Day 23: Wednesday December 8th, 2010
23: December 8th, 2010
Top: Gap 2010; Tank: ON 2009; Pants: ON 2010; Shoes: Blowfish 2010

Obviously I didn't try too hard yesterday. We've just been hanging out at home a lot.

Bonus Picture

Made this hat for Derek. If you know anyone who wants one, leave a comment. I can get it all made up for you.

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