Friday, September 23, 2011


Haven't officially announced to you all on here yet, been a little busy :)

Eleanor Rebekah Rigby was born September 11th, 2011 at 4:28 AM. At home, just like I wanted. She weighed 7 lbs .8 oz and measured 21 inches long.

We love our new little girl and have all been adapting well to the new change. Mommy and baby are doing well and recovering. Jonah loves his baby sister.

My wonderful friend and amazing photographer, Sharon Johnson, took photos of the incredible experience. Photos here.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The time has come

And still no baby. It's officially my due date and nothing's really going on. Oh well. When she didn't come early, like Jonah, I kinda gave up waiting. Babies come when they come. I hope it happens soon, just because I want to meet her and hold her. I want Daddy and Jonah to meet her too. For Jonah to finally understand that there IS a baby in my belly, like I've been telling him. Wish me luck! Hopefully not too much longer. But she's gonna stick around in there as long as she needs to. I love you, baby Eleanor. Can't wait!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey, this happened to me!

Derek and I have been researching vaccines and whether or not we want to vaccinate this next baby, or at least be able to pick and choose which ones we want. And when expressing this to my current pediatrician, I was basically told that I should find someone else. Which sucks. So I'm on the look out right now for someone new. I've had a few recommendations and not so long to find one. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because in my most recent Dr. Mercola email, they addressed this directly. So I wanted to share this article with you guys, if you were interested.

Should Pediatricians 'Fire' Patients Whose Parents Don't Vaccinate?

Monday, August 8, 2011


New and Improved!
I'm not sure what to call the color. I've been describing it to people
as lime sherbet, but it doesn't seem quite right

My sneaky, clever husband planned an outing for me with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to go to the splash pad today so he could get started on painting the baby room. And they went along with it and no one told me! But it was amazing. I love surprises. He was so tired by the time I got home, that I had to finish, but I don't mind painting. He did all the boring taping and moving things out of the room. The play date this morning was so good and I had such a good time with them and so did Jonah. He loves his cousins Rocky and Daisy. He talks about them all the time, about how they're his friends and how much fun he has playing with them.

There's obviously still a lot to do with the room, but it should only take another day to do it. I haven't quite figured out the ideal layout yet, but it'll just take some adjusting. I'm so excited! I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grumpy Gus

Do you ever just have those grumpy days? Where you're not quite sure what got you on that path, and you really have no good reason to feel that way, but you just spend the day grumpy and somewhat unproductive. That was today. The first part of the day was nice and pleasant and spent having fun at the Ogden Farmers Market, but for some reason after that, it was grumpy times. So for anyone who had to deal with that grumpiness, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be happier tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

American West Heritage Center

Grandpa had a work party last night at the American West Heritage Center in Logan, UT. Grandma was there, along with Brandon, Marci, Rocky and Daisy, Gavin, Hayden, Indee and Great Grandpa Rigby too. It was nice to go with a small group of people and avoid any big crowds. We were served a delicious dinner of chicken, scalloped potatoes, salad, fruit, corn on the cob, our choice of biscuits or rolls (I chose a biscuit of course), lemonade and for dessert: Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler with homemade whipped cream on top. And homemade macaroni and cheese for the kiddies. Jonah didn't eat his, so I got to taste that too. We had cotton candy and snow cones too. We witnessed a gun fight where Grandpa got blown out of the water, got to ride the train, Jonah went on the pony rides, and was really excited about all the animals. Goats, chickens, a donkey, pheasants, and sheep.

Brandon and Grandma
Brandon and Grandma
In the Tunnel
I love Marci's face in this picture
Daisy Girl
Daisy girl, looks like her daddy
Riding with Hayden
Hanging out with his uncle
Pony ride!
Took a little coaxing, but he really loved it once he was on

Train Ride
Riding with mommy

Thanks for bringing us along! We had so much fun.


I was thinking last night while trying to get some sleep and unsuccessfully counting sheep, "what am I passionate about?" Derek and I had this same conversation just a few days prior, which is probably why it was fresh in my mind.

The conclusion I've come to is that I am passionate about doing the best by my family. Whether it's the way my children come into this world, or making delicious meals that we all enjoy (tonight was biscuits and gravy),
This is just a stock photo I found through google. I forgot to take a photo of my own meal tonight, but I can tell you it was delicious

or learning skills that will help around the house (right now it's sewing). These are good answers to me. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be a good wife, mother, and all that comes with that. Teacher, chef, housekeeper, clown, singer, public speaker, designer, etc. My passions inspire me. To be better, to try harder. I have quite a role to live up to. I have the most precious cargo entrusted to me. Our Heavenly Father's children. And he wants them back someday, so I have to do my best to make sure they get there. Wish me luck.

Friday, July 8, 2011


I told you I'd share with you any more information I had regarding home birth and the benefits and why I'm choosing to do it this way. I have 2 articles by Dr. Mercola that I think give good medical and scientific reasons why it makes more sense. Here are the links:

Should American Woman Learn to Give Birth at Home?

Is Breast Milk the Key to Mother-Baby Bonding?

I get daily newsletters from Dr. Mercola's website and it is a great source of information on Holistic natural medical treatment and alternatives and lifestyle. You should check it out.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pregnancy Progress

I know I said that I would be keeping my blog updated with all my new findings and birth information and I guess I've done a very poor job. I'm not keeping my promise. I guess it's because I really feel like there's not a lot new to share. My pregnancy is going about the same as last time. I am really blessed and very lucky that I don't get sick and I feel so well. Actually the question, "How are you feeling?", which as all pregnant woman know is the first question you get asked as soon as you walk in the door or talk to someone on the phone, is getting really, really old. I don't know what to say to them. I'm in my third trimester, morning sickness (which was hardly ever there anyway) has been gone for a long time now. It's just normal pregnancy discomforts, back pain, Braxton-Hicks contractions (which I had my first of today), and all of those things I've been keeping at bay with yoga anyway.

Lately I've been looking for a lamaze class, hypnobirthing, something to teach me how to relieve my pain and discomfort in the labor process. But I waited too long. Most of those classes are a few weeks anyway and I honestly don't have that much time anymore from when they start to when they finish. I was able to find a really helpful DVD at the library though. It is definitely geared toward later in pregnancy if you are an experienced yogi, but good for someone looking to start yoga in their pregnancy. Very basic, kinda slower paced. For me, it's not enough by itself, but it's a good supplement. And since I'm no longer able to keep up at regular yoga so much anymore, it really helps. And it has good birthing yoga tips. So I've decided to forfeit classes and just use the information I already have and will learn in the next 9 (I know, single digit!) weeks.

I've also been participating in a local birth group. They also have a blog with a lot of good information, including birth stories, which are so inspiring.

I'll try and keep up more with the information in the next few weeks, but I think the best information I'll have to share is my birth story.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Family photos


Almost 2 months ago, one of our good friends who just graduated from Weber Art Department volunteered to take our family photos. She has so much talent and is so amazing and did such an incredible job! There's a little preview in the header, but to get a look at all my favorites go to my Flikr. And to get a look at her other work, check out her Facebook page. Thanks so much, Ruth!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Swap Meet Up photo's

There is proof! I did end up going and it was so much fun! There better be a 2012! I think my favorite photo is the group shots with Jonah photo bombing them. I got to meet new people, meet others in real life (made them a little more real to me, rather than just blog stalking them), and scored some really awesome stuff, which you'll get to see later. Maybe much later, considering some of it doesn't quite fit yet. But it will! I got lost and ended up getting there late and had to leave early to get the car back to Derek for work. So I was only there for 45 mins, so I didn't get as much time as I had wanted. So 2012 will be better! Better planning for sure. Maybe a baby sitter. And if you go to this post of mine, you'll get a list of all the other bloggers who were there. I recommend at least glancing at all their blogs.

Thanks again for putting this on! And I seriously can't wait for another one!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


My husband and I teach Sunday School for the youth in our ward and in today's lesson was a verse from the New Testament. And it just made me so happy to read and feel so right in my decision to have a baby naturally.

St. John 16:21: A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.

And of course this doesn't only apply to having a boy, but just the joy she feels to have this child and the immediate love you feel for this little miracle. I mean, there has been so much research and study done that shows that having a baby naturally increases your bonding and your success at breastfeeding, which also increases the bonding with your baby. It's just such a wonderful thing to know that I made the choice to do it the right way.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Headband anyone?

Made this in a little over a half hour with the remnant of a skein of yarn. What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Not the most flattering picture, but it was seriously the best quick pic I could get. You can find the pattern here

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fashion blogger swap?

Found this through another fashion blog I follow and I kinda want to go. But it's hard to look at non-maternity clothes and gauge what size you may be after you have the baby and how long it would take you to fit into it again. And Provo is kind of a trek for me. It's over an hour away. Also, a few of the fashion bloggers I follow are going to be there, and it would be cool to say to them "Hi! I love your blog and your style. Do you have any tips for me?"

So should I do it? Should I go?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to?

I'm trying to compile a playlist of songs which would be good to listen to while in labor. I really have no idea how to do this. Do I want relaxing, calming songs for the whole labor process and more upbeat music for the pushing? I'm just taking in any suggestions I can.

Also, today when we dropped Jonah off at nursery, one of the leaders says "Oh, he got a haircut. How adorable! He looks like a mushroom!"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life resolution

At the beginning of the year I made my New Years Resolution like everyone else. It wasn't to lose so many pounds, or to learn to cook something really well. It was to stop talking about people behind their backs. I'm not like a huge gossiper or anything (in my own opinion), but when I had frustrations, I would go to another person and just vent and that would bring all the bad feelings up to the surface. And I was doing pretty well too. I wasn't even saying anything to Derek in my frustrations. But I had an experience the other day that made me realize that not saying something wasn't good enough. Because I was still thinking these thoughts, just not expressing them. And in a way that could be worse to just let it build up inside and simmer. So I realized it needed to be more, be bigger! And it could definitely not just be this years resolution. It needed to be a life resolution. I realized I needed to find a little bit of love for everyone. Especially those I felt wronged by or always found irritation toward. Because in doing so it would be that much easier to say nothing, because if I found that little bit of love and saw the good qualities in them, I wouldn't think mean thoughts to begin with. This realization brought tears to my eyes. Or maybe it was the crying that started it, I don't know. But being like Christ is our main goal in life, isn't it? And we know that we can not reach perfection until after this life, but it doesn't give us an excuse to not try. That would be giving up. And once that's done, it's so hard to get back on track again. If I can find that little bit of live for those people, I can find more love for them over time, making being like Christ that much more realistic.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Simple days

I love days like today. Just easy, relaxing days. Days where you get things done, but you still make time to enjoy yourself. I've been feeling in need of social interaction and got a nice little dose today. Started off easy. This morning I baked cheesecake bars for Derek's brothers Boy Scout court of honor tomorrow, then Jonah took a nap, and after that we just enjoyed ourselves outside. Got out of the house on a non-rainy day this week. Played at the park in our backyard and just as we were walking home, daddy woke up and joined us. We finally used our $25 Outback Giftcard from christmas and did dinner and then spent the rest of the evening on a walk, visiting with our friends and neighbors from the ward. I love spontaneous visits. I'm so excited for the warmer weather to allow for them again!

So really, nothing new to post, but I just really enjoyed the simple enjoyment of our day. Not much was done, but it doesn't feel wasted.

P.S. Excited for cousin's homecoming tomorrow to taste the new cheesecake recipe I used!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is how I've found Jonah the last few nights when I go to check on him before going to bed.

Last night in fact he was wedged up against the door and I couldn't get in. It's a funny little surprise.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anxious: The Sequel

I just thought I should mention, that I'm not just excited about the decorating and prep process of this baby, although to have that in order and done is a huge comfort. I'm just excited for the challenge of another baby. I'm so used to toddler Jonah now that I sometimes think I won't know what to do with an infant again. I'm excited for the challenge of a baby of a different gender. For trying cloth diapers this time. I'm excited for the challenge of having care over 2 babies, instead of just the one. Figuring out the kinks and figuring out the balance. I'm excited to start this baby on a more regular routine early on, which I didn't do with Jonah.

I know there's a lot more to a new baby than cute clothes, decorating a nursery, and baby showers. And I am ANXIOUS and excited for every aspect of it.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I know I'm just shy of 6 months, but I cannot wait to meet this little girl inside of me. My nesting has been going crazy, so Derek and I have been cleaning and organizing, having a yard sale, dropping lots of things at the DI, and listing things on KSL and Craigslist. Too bad we have to wait to paint until grandma can take Jonah for the day. Found the best color. It's almost like lime sherbet. That was one of my favorite parts of being pregnant with Jonah was making the room his. It is the only time I have painted in my home since moving here 3 years ago. I want to paint EVERYTHING! but you can only do so much at a time. And since we've had to change rooms around to make space for 2 babies, I get to do it all over again. I've been getting books from the library, looking at blogs (especially this one) for inspiration.

I want to plan baby showers (which is allowed if your baby is a different gender), buy cloth diapers, get cute little girls clothes, all that. I've been looking for crochet patterns for bonnets and booties. I still have 17 weeks left to go and I just hope it goes by fast, because little girl, I can't wait to meet you.

But, on a good note, I'm happy to have the time to spend with Jonah before he is no longer an only child. He needs as much love as I can possibly give him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

We would like to introduce

Little Eleanor.

I kept getting a little girl vibe, but I didn't want to read too much into it, because I felt the same way with Jonah.






I'm excited. I know I said I really wanted another boy, but for the last week or so, I have really been thinking about how much fun it would be to have a girl. And just because it's not a brother, doesn't mean Jonah still can't have a buddy to play with. I can't wait to meet her. I hope she looks just like me, because Jonah looks just like Derek. And I want a mini-me.

Love you little girl. I hope the time passes quick so I can see you soon. We're all excited to meet you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


It has been far too long since I've written anything. Here's the happs right now:

I am now 4 months (17 weeks) along. Went to the midwife just yesterday and heard the heartbeat, again. Every time I go in, I almost can't believe it. It's still in there, growing good, and it always makes me smile. I'm finally starting to show, just a little and am annoyingly in between normal pants and maternity. So since the weather has been gorgeous, I've been wearing plenty of elastic waistband skirt.

I keep being asked by everyone if I know what it is yet, but I won't find out for another month. My preference, which I also keep getting asked, is another little boy. Of course, I'll be happy with whatever, boy or girl. But if they're gonna ask, I'm gonna give my opinion.

It seems to be going by so fast. I can't believe I'm already 4 months along. Only 5 more to go. I really haven't taken any progress pictures yet, so hopefully next time I'll have a belly picture and not long after an ultrasound picture. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby boy!

Daddy took Jonah to breakfast this morning with grandpa and I'm supposed to be sleeping in, but I couldn't. So here's a birthday tribute post.

Happy Birthday, Jonah! You are 2 years old today! Here you are on the day you were born.
Security Photo 2/26/09

I can't believe how long ago that feels. You had the most beautiful dark hair. And your daddy documented everything they did in the hospital. And you can just hear the love in his voice whenever he speaks. And not too long after you turned into the toe-headed little boy you are today.

Here you are at just a year
One year Jonah

And this is you today

We love you always and forever. I hope you have a good birthday! Love you sweet boy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think the best thing about having kids of your own, is being able to relive those things that fascinated you as a kid and to be able to share in their excitement. Jonah see's a train and says "there it goes!". He sees a horse and says "horse" and does the sign. So you get involved and you point out all these cool things to them that they get excited about! I mean, I say cool things, but they're actually pretty ordinary. Things you see everyday and haven't thought much about in years. But their joy and innocence and excitement just rubs off on you and you get to do it all over again. It's pretty incredible. And it's one of the reasons that this is the best job in the world.


That's not pee on the stick. That's the water droplets from washing the pee off.

Yes, the rumors are true. I am pregnant. (Yeah, I know, everyone always talks about me and what's going on in my life). Riglet number 2 is on the way. And this time around I'm doing it right. When I say right, I just mean for me. Home delivery, midwife. A real homebirth one this time, not a CNM. Malpractice doesn't allow them to do homebirths. Yes, I'm one of those. I am educating myself more this time too. I think every woman who plans on getting pregnant and having a baby should educate herself. Read up on it herself, along with getting information from your doctor. This is the most intense, changing experience your body will ever go through. You read reviews and do research when buying a car, why not when having a baby? I'm borrowing some fantastic books right now from a friend all about Creating Your Own Birth Plan and the pro's and con's of interventions in birth. (that books actually mostly biased toward homebirth and against unnecessary interventions). But the most important thing is for the woman to be able to decide what is going to work best for her and her baby. To educate herself and be able to decide that way. This homebirth thing is new for me too and I'm excited to see and experience the differences after having a hospital birth. I'll keep you all in the loop and up-to-date too. Yay for new experiences!

Strange dreams

I had the oddest dream last night. I had a dream that we had our baby, but it was like the size of my palm, but completely healthy. And our birthing center place was this room above a convenience store/sleazy diner in somewhere like Canada. And Derek and I were all on our own, no midwife, nothing. But the doctor (I'm not even using a doctor) came later, after we had showered, down the street, in some department store and had to walk back to our room in our towels. Which he was shocked at! And he treated the employees/waitresses like his nurses. Maybe they were. I don't know. But it was strange and interesting. But most of my dreams have been lately. I've had another dream a few times now, where I'm back in band and choir singing and playing my baritone. And I always wake up very happy.

I guess this is me announcing. Yes, we are pregnant. I am almost 12 weeks, so just about out of the 1st trimester. Can I use it as my excuse for totally slacking on my 30x30? I'm just not feeling it right now. I even tried to choose loose, comfy, concealing clothing. Oh well. I'll be doing it for awhile. Or I'll just quit. Depends on when I'll have to start wearing maternity. We'll see.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lazy remixing

I swear I've been dressing up almost everyday, I just keep forgetting to document it. Looks like I'll be doing this for a lot longer than expected. I'm not even going to number these entries.

February 4th, 2011
Feb 4th, 2011
Cardigan: Target 2008; Top: Charlotte Russe 2010; Pants: ON 2010; Shoes: Target 2008

February 5th, 2011
Feb 5th, 2011
Button-Up: Forever 21 2010; Top: Hand-me-down; Pants: ON 2010; Shoes: Blowfish 2010

February 8th, 2011
Feb 8th, 2011
Cardigan: Kohls 2010; Top: Gap 2010; Pants: ON 2010; Shoes: Target 2010

February 13th, 2011
Feb 13th, 2011
Cardigan: AE 2009; Dress: Hand-me-down; Tights: Target 2011; Shoes: Target 2010

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cardigan Empire

You should all do this. If you do I get an extra entry. Help me out. And help you out too :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Day 2: February 2nd, 2010
Day 2: February 2nd, 2011
Top: Charlotte Russe 2010; Leggings: Forever 21 2008; Shoes: Target 2010

I stayed home all day yesterday, which is the reason for the leggings. I would never wear them as pants outside of the house, but this is what happens. I count them as accessories, so they're not part of my 30 for 30. That's not cheating, right?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Starting off simple

Day 1: February 1st, 2011
Day 1
Top: Layers (hand me down); Pants: Old Navy 2010; Shoes: Keds 2006

I had to pick up Derek tonight at the school so he could do some extra lab work and not have to walk home in the blustery wind. It was so strong and cold. But it made some cool patterns on the snow, like waves.

30 for 30: February edition

Kendi has done it again. Another 30 for 30 challenge. I took some notes from the last one and hopefully will be a little more successful this time. You'll see some repeats from last time, but I tried to choose a lot of different things this time around. Not that I've bought a whole bunch new clothes in the last month or so, just some oldies from my closet. Let it begin!

February 2011 2
february 2011 1

Monday, January 24, 2011


So we did it. Just decided this weekend to just do it. We have switched all the rooms around. And it is still utter chaos. We were only able to get the big things (furniture and the like) moved before we had to quit. Jonah's old room is now the office, our old room is now Jonah's, and the old office is now our room. I'm excited for the change and for the chance to reorganize and redecorate, to simplify and get rid of things we really don't need and now for Jonah to have a "big boy bed" to sleep in. When faced with having the put the crib back together, we just decided to convert it into the toddler bed. And so far so good. It means that Jonah decides that 6 AM is a good wake up time now and comes into our room, yelling our names and telling us he's "hungy". It's a good, fun thing though to take a new step with him and see him adapting so well to it. I'll post pictures as soon as the house is presentable to show. Going to Ikea in a few weeks to get Jonah's bday present, so we'll probably get some new things then to show too.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New product

Over break I did get a chance to crochet like I wanted to. Found a great pattern for headband/ear warmers. They look like this:

Ear warmer/Headband
If you want one or know anyone else who does, let me know.
I would charge $12. You'll find that's a very competitive price. Get one before winters over!

Christmas and the like

We had a wonderful christmas. Pretty much spent the entire weekend with family. I think we only went home to sleep for most of it. We opened our presents as a family on christmas eve and went over christmas morning so Jonah could help the kids open their presents.


Got this Frog from my parents. He loves giving his stuffed animals kisses.

Ball pit from Grandma & Grandpa (dad's side). Sharing it with Rocky. We had to put it away once all the kids wanted to climb in and Jonah threw a tantrum. It wasn't charming. But atleast we know he likes it.

Baby Issac
Beka and Nathan came to visit and Jonah loves his little cousin Issac.

Bed head 12/24/10
This is what happens when I go to sleep with wet hair.

Looks like he's camwhoring with the position of his arm and his expression. So cute!

With the New Year here, I have no resolutions. I'm just taking it easy, just in general trying to eat healthier and exercise better. Trying to take better care of myself.